The Problem
When the COVID-19 pandemic surfaced, pregnant women who were already experiencing a crisis faced what experts are calling a double pandemic, dramatically increased domestic violence.
The American Psychological Association notes that stay at home orders have contributed to the rise of domestic violence in our country (Abramson, 2020). Some places see as high as a 56% increase in intimate partner abuse (Hutchison, 2020).
Many struggling pregnant women in our communities are currently stuck between abuse at home and COVID-19 when they leave their doors.
Our Solution
A month into the pandemic our team at the Pregnancy Resource Clinic of Arizona saw a sharp increase in women seeking virtual services because of stay at home orders.
To meet this need, we streamlined our free online services to help women navigate their pregnancy. Therefore, even if an expecting mother is stuck at home, they can still receive free resources, care, referrals, and emotional support. To see everything we do to help women you can visit our page here
Your Impact
It is going to take all of us doing our part to get through this. Here are some ways you can make an impact wherever you are:
Share the resources below or this article on social media so more women are aware and know how to get help during this time.
Become a virtual volunteer and support the restorative work PRC does from your home.
Give a tax credit. These donations are free to you up to $400 for singles or $800 filing jointly and donations will support expecting mothers and their preborn children. Learn more by clicking here.
Resources and Referrals
If you are currently experiencing domestic violence, below are free resource guides for help.
Abramson, A. (2020). How COVID-19 may increase domestic violence and child abuse. Retrieved from
Hutchison, K. (2020). Domestic violence cases spike in solitude. Retrieved from
The Pregnancy Resource Clinic of Arizona is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Phoenix, AZ, and provides free lab-grade pregnancy care services. We offer all our confidential services without discrimination and serve the Greater Phoenix area.